Bouncing balls with an ECS
Yesterday (Nov 14th 2022) I went to a very nice meetup
here in Milan (Open Source Saturday Milano).
You go there and you propose what you want to work on (some Open Source related activity).
People might be curious and tag along, or you might be interested in what others are doing.
I went with the idea of exploring Entity Component Systems (ECS), something I had never played with.
Initially the idea was to use polymorph.
I wanted to try and see if I was able to make it work with Nim's js backend.
Unfortunately it appears polymorph has some kind of issue with js backend,
so the two poor souls that were curious about Nim, saw me fail miserably in the task
and generously helped debugging
(of course it took a while to understand the issue was with polymorph and not with the code I was writing).
At the end of morning I pivoted to try using EasyEss,
a polymorph's inspired ECS by the author of Nanim.
Indeed EasyEss works with Nim's js backend so the day was saved!
Today I managed to complete a very small demo.
Code is not really cleaned up and it is the first time I play with an ECS.
For drawing to canvas it uses code from bouncing_ball_p5js,
but probably a better option would be to use something like jscanvas.
To test the different components/systems I am showing 4 balls:
- one ball bounces with gravity directed towards the roof
- a smaller ball bounces with gravity directed approximately towards the bottom right corner
- a bigger ball does not feel gravity and slowly drifts bouncing off the walls
- the biggest ball is subject to drag and stops after a few bounces
- drag acts a bit weird when bouncing close to the walls
- the balls do not interact with each other
To see the code, click on Show source button in the bottom right corner of the page.
import nimib
setCurrentDir nb.thisDir
"""<script src="" integrity="sha512-rCZdHNB0AePry6kAnKAVFMRfWPmUXSo+/vlGtrOUvhsxD0Punm/xWbEh+8vppPIOzKB9xnk42yCRZ5MD/jvvjQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>"""
nbText: """## Bouncing balls with an ECS
Yesterday (Nov 14th 2022) I went to a very nice meetup
here in Milan ([Open Source Saturday Milano](
You go there and you propose what you want to work on (some Open Source related activity).
People might be curious and tag along, or you might be interested in what others are doing.
I went with the idea of exploring Entity Component Systems (ECS), something I had never played with.
Initially the idea was to use [polymorph].
I wanted to try and see if I was able to make it work with Nim's js backend.
Unfortunately it appears polymorph has [some kind of issue with js backend](,
so the two poor souls that were curious about Nim, saw me fail miserably in the task
and generously helped debugging
(of course it took a while to understand the issue was with polymorph and not with the code I was writing).
At the end of morning I pivoted to try using [EasyEss](,
a polymorph's inspired ECS by the author of [Nanim](
Indeed EasyEss works with Nim's js backend so the day was saved!
Today I managed to complete a very small demo.
Code is not really cleaned up and it is the first time I play with an ECS.
For drawing to canvas it uses code from [bouncing_ball_p5js](bouncing_ball_p5js.html),
but probably a better option would be to use something like [jscanvas](
To test the different components/systems I am showing 4 balls:
- one ball bounces with gravity directed towards the roof
- a smaller ball bounces with gravity directed approximately towards the bottom right corner
- a bigger ball does not feel gravity and slowly drifts bouncing off the walls
- the biggest ball is subject to drag and stops after a few bounces
- drag acts a bit weird when bouncing close to the walls
- the balls do not interact with each other
To see the code, click on Show source button in the bottom right corner of the page.
import easyess
import p5, std / lenientops
width = 360.0
height = 360.0
Size = object
r: float
Position = object
x: float
y: float
Velocity = object
dx: float
dy: float
Bounce = object
Gravity = object
ddx: float
ddy: float
Drag = object
coefficient: float
Draw = object
systemsGroup = "systems"
renderingGroup = "rendering"
sys [Position, vel: Velocity], systemsGroup:
func moveSystem(item: Item) =
(ecs, entity) = item
oldPosition = position
position.y += vel.dy
item.position.x += item.velocity.dx
when defined(debugMove):
debugEcho "Moved " & ecs.inspect(entity) & " from ", oldPosition, " to ", position
sys [pos: Position, vel: Velocity, Bounce, Size], systemsGroup:
proc bounceOnWalls(item: Item) =
if pos.x > width - size.r or pos.x < size.r:
vel.dx = -vel.dx
if pos.y > height - size.r or pos.y < size.r:
vel.dy = -vel.dy
sys [pos: Position, vel: Velocity, Gravity, Size], systemsGroup:
proc fall(item: Item) =
if not (pos.y > height - size.r or pos.y < size.r):
vel.dy += gravity.ddy
if not (pos.x > width - size.r or pos.x < size.r):
vel.dx += gravity.ddx
sys [pos: Position, vel: Velocity, Drag, Size], systemsGroup:
proc airResistance(item: Item) =
if abs(vel.dy) > 0:
vel.dy = vel.dy*drag.coefficient
if abs(vel.dx) > 0:
vel.dx = vel.dx*drag.coefficient
sys [Position, Draw, Size], renderingGroup:
proc drawBall(item: Item) =
ellipse(position.x, position.y, 2*size.r)
createECS(ECSConfig(maxEntities: 100))
ecs = newECS()
proc setup() {. exportc .} =
createCanvas(width, height)
proc draw() {. exportc .} =
var ballId = 1
proc newBall(r, x, y, dx, dy, ddx, ddy: float; bounce, gravity, drag = false, coeff = 1.0): auto =
ball = ecs.newEntity("ball " & $ballId)
item = (ecs, ball)
item.addComponent(Size(r: r))
item.addComponent(Position(x: x, y: y))
item.addComponent(Velocity(dx: dx, dy: dy))
if bounce:
if gravity:
item.addComponent(Gravity(ddx: ddx, ddy: ddy))
if drag:
item.addComponent(Drag(coefficient: coeff))
result = ball
ball1 = newBall(15.0, 50.0, 180.0, -2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, true, false)
ball2 = newBall(10.0, 10.0, 60.0, 4.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, true, true)
ball3 = newBall(7.0, 180.0, 180.0, 5.0, 2.0, 0.3, 0.5, true, true)
ball4 = newBall(20.0, 240.0, 40.0, -15.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, true, true, true, 0.99)
setCurrentDir nb.initDir