Bouncing ball with p5js
Inspired by a forum thread I wanted to try
and use nim-p5 in nimib. I ran into a small issue,
which does not seem to difficult to solve.
It is anyway easier and faster to give a simple example
of wrapping and using p5js.
I am using the CDN version of p5js.
I am wrapping the minimal stuff that I need
to implement a bouncing ball example.
Here is the wrapper:
type PNumber = int or float
var width* {.importc.}: float
var height* {.importc.}: float
{.push importc.}
proc createCanvas*(width, height: PNumber)
proc background*(gray: PNumber)
proc ellipse*(x, y, diameter: PNumber)
{. pop .}
and here the bouncing ball example:
import p5, std / lenientops
let r = 25
x = 320
y = 180
xspeed = 5
yspeed = 2
echo x
proc setup() {. exportc .} =
createCanvas(640, 360)
proc draw() {. exportc .} =
ellipse(x, y, 2*r)
x += xspeed
y += yspeed
if x > width - r or x < r:
xspeed = -xspeed
if y > height - r or y < r:
yspeed = -yspeed;
import nimib
setCurrentDir nb.thisDir
"""<script src="" integrity="sha512-rCZdHNB0AePry6kAnKAVFMRfWPmUXSo+/vlGtrOUvhsxD0Punm/xWbEh+8vppPIOzKB9xnk42yCRZ5MD/jvvjQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>"""
nbText: """# Bouncing ball with [p5js]
Inspired by a [forum thread]( I wanted to try
and use [nim-p5] in nimib. I ran into a small [issue](,
which does not seem to difficult to solve.
It is anyway easier and faster to give a simple example
of wrapping and using [p5js].
I am using the [CDN version of p5js].
I am wrapping the minimal stuff that I need
to implement a [bouncing ball] example.
[CDN version of p5js]:
[bouncing ball]:
Here is the wrapper:
nbFile("p5.nim"): """
type PNumber = int or float
var width* {.importc.}: float
var height* {.importc.}: float
{.push importc.}
proc createCanvas*(width, height: PNumber)
proc background*(gray: PNumber)
proc ellipse*(x, y, diameter: PNumber)
{. pop .}
nbText: "and here the bouncing ball example:"
nbCodeToJs: """
import p5, std / lenientops
let r = 25
x = 320
y = 180
xspeed = 5
yspeed = 2
echo x
proc setup() {. exportc .} =
createCanvas(640, 360)
proc draw() {. exportc .} =
ellipse(x, y, 2*r)
x += xspeed
y += yspeed
if x > width - r or x < r:
xspeed = -xspeed
if y > height - r or y < r:
yspeed = -yspeed;
setCurrentDir nb.initDir