Trying to use polymorph with nim js backend. It does not work. File created to submit an issue.
The following code is executed by nimib both using c backend and js backend.
If you open the browser console you will see that with js backend:
- it starts with Pos (0, 0) instead of (1, 1) (and wrong velociy)
- at each step neither move nor gravity are applied, only bounce is applied.
import polymorph
# Parse some types as components.
register defaultCompOpts:
Pos = object
x, y: float
Vel = object
x, y: float
Gravity = object
strength: float
Bounce = object # A dataless 'tag' component.
makeSystem "move", [Pos, Vel]:
# Calculate basic movement.
echo "move"
pos.x += vel.x
pos.y += vel.y
makeSystem "gravity", [Vel, Gravity]:
# Apply a gravity force to 'Vel'.
vel.y -= gravity.strength
makeSystem "bounce", [Pos, Vel, Bounce]:
# Correct 'Pos.y' to never goes below zero, enacting a simple bounce
# to 'Vel.y' if this occurs.
if pos.y <= 0.0:
pos.y = 0.0
vel.y = abs(vel.y) * 0.5
# Generate the framework and system procedures.
makeEcsCommit "run"
ball = newEntityWith(
Pos(x: 0.0, y: 0.0),
Vel(x: 1.0, y: 1.0),
Gravity(strength: 1.0),
for i in 0 ..< 4:
echo ball
move [EntityId: 1 (generation: 1) Alive: true Components: Pos (id: 1, index: 1, generation: 1): (x: 1.0, y: 1.0) Vel (id: 2, index: 1, generation: 1): (x: 1.0, y: 0.0) Gravity (id: 3, index: 1, generation: 1): (strength: 1.0) Bounce (id: 4, index: 1, generation: 1): () Systems: move (sysMove) gravity (sysGravity) bounce (sysBounce) ] move [EntityId: 1 (generation: 1) Alive: true Components: Pos (id: 1, index: 1, generation: 1): (x: 2.0, y: 1.0) Vel (id: 2, index: 1, generation: 1): (x: 1.0, y: -1.0) Gravity (id: 3, index: 1, generation: 1): (strength: 1.0) Bounce (id: 4, index: 1, generation: 1): () Systems: move (sysMove) gravity (sysGravity) bounce (sysBounce) ] move [EntityId: 1 (generation: 1) Alive: true Components: Pos (id: 1, index: 1, generation: 1): (x: 3.0, y: 0.0) Vel (id: 2, index: 1, generation: 1): (x: 1.0, y: 1.0) Gravity (id: 3, index: 1, generation: 1): (strength: 1.0) Bounce (id: 4, index: 1, generation: 1): () Systems: move (sysMove) gravity (sysGravity) bounce (sysBounce) ] move [EntityId: 1 (generation: 1) Alive: true Components: Pos (id: 1, index: 1, generation: 1): (x: 4.0, y: 1.0) Vel (id: 2, index: 1, generation: 1): (x: 1.0, y: 0.0) Gravity (id: 3, index: 1, generation: 1): (strength: 1.0) Bounce (id: 4, index: 1, generation: 1): () Systems: move (sysMove) gravity (sysGravity) bounce (sysBounce) ]